Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Lick your fingers and tickle my back....

Elders and Sisters climbed the tower again in Delft!

Elder Muller on the Tower

Happy Together! Elders Hunter and Muller on the tower!

Monday, November 9, 2015

"Lick your fingers and tickle my back..." That's a quote from Elder Hunter. I won't give any further details! ha ha

So this has been a really hard week. The most stressful on my mission, and one of the most stressful of my life. I won't go into details of why, but let's just say I'm glad it's over and that I have the opportunity to start over this week.

With that being said, I did have some really cool experiences this week. We had an awesome lesson with our investigator, G-----. We invited him to be baptized, and he gave us really the only answer that we as missionaries like to hear besides yes. That is, not yet because 'I'm not pure or clean enough'. That is me paraphrasing him, but in essence, he is humble and ready enough to be baptized, he just doesn't realize that yet! He went to church this Sunday in Den Haag as well, so we were really pumped about that.

We also had a miracle with the De B--- family. They were having some problems, and we have been supporting them spiritually, helping them pray and read and such. Tuesday was kind of make it or break it for them, but through some miracle their was a solution found that is going to help them a lot. So they both have testimonies of prayer. SO GOOD!

On Wednesday, we had an awesome first lesson with a potential that we found a couple weeks ago named E---. She's a Dutch lady, and she is just awesome! We are excited to start teaching her.

So this weekend was also pretty crazy. I "learned" how to drive stick in about two and a half hours, and then had to drive the whole crew to Groningen in the mission van. About a three hour trip. Pretty scary. I felt like I was about to crash the whole time. That thing is like a mini bus.

(Here is a link to a map of the Netherlands. It should be possible to zoom in and out. You will see that Groningen is way North! So they were in Utrecht working, and then Elder Muller drove them to Groningen and back! Elder Muller's apartment is in Delft!) 

We worked in Utrecht as well this week. The members there are really cool, and the Elders there are awesome.

Elder Hunter's birthday was on Saturday, so we got some good pics of that.

Real quick about transfers, I'm staying with Elder Hunter. Other than that, not much news.

In closing, I would like to share a quote from Elder Neal A. Maxwell that is in my scriptures,

"For the faithful, our finest hours are sometimes during or just following our darkest hours."

I know that to be true.

I hope that you all have an awesome week! I love all of you, and I hope to hear from all of you!

Elder Muller

On the tower with the Sisters!

Feet of the Sisters and the Elders!

View from the tower

Rotterdam in the distance. Picture taken from the tower.

Elder Hunter camping out on the balcony!

Roti - the greatest food you have ever had in your whole life! (It's like a chicken stew.)

Roti pancake-thing you use to pick up the chicken stew!

Enjoying a meal of Roti!

Camping out with the Utrecht Elders while traveling as the Singing Elders. Elder Muller is on the floor by the red blanket holding, Matthew, the Singing Elders bear! The cake in the forefront is Elder Hunter's birthday cake, made by a member!

Utrecht Elders hosting the four Singing Elders!

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