Monday, January 25, 2016

Breaking Records

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Den Haag Temple

Angel Moroni which sits atop the temple

Hey everyone!

I want to apologize again that my email last week was so lame.  I am hoping this week's will be better.

First off! Transfer news! I will be staying in Delft for a 5th transfer. Yep, I kinda saw it coming, but I still can't believe it. I will be breaking Elder Conatti's record for this city. Pretty nuts. I will be finishing up Elder Foltz's training. We are the only companionship in our district that isn't being changed.

Cool, so on to my week. It's been pretty crazy, it went by pretty fast.
First, Monday. Was. Awesome! (Tuesday as well) I went on exchanges with Elder Henderson my "mother" (Elder Childs' companion before he trained me), and it was perfect. It was exactly the exchange that I needed. It was super chill, but we got serious work done. It also had its crazy parts that just made it into a really memorable two days.

Tuesday night we had a "Reach Out" Evening with a bunch of Stake Leaders. They came on splits with all the missionaries, and visited less actives and members who need support. I went with our Bishop and visited a sweet lady here in Delft whose husband was a member. He passed away a couple months ago, so we visit her occasionally to help support and love her.

Wednesday was a big day. I'm not sure if you already know, but we had a worldwide missionary broadcast. The title was Teach Repentance, Baptize Converts. We watched it as a district at the home of Bishop of the Wassenaar Ward (American ward). Most of the stuff was just a refresher course from stuff that I learned when I first came out, but there were also some good tidbits that Elder Foltz and I have done to improve our work. I'll share two.

The first was given by Elder Anderson of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. He talked about Chapter 1 of Preach My Gospel: My Purpose. He said that we should always have the name of Christ on our lips, ready to bear testimony. I really liked that, and it tied in to a lot of things that I've been pondering about.

The second came from Elder Oaks, also of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. He said that when we pray with our investigators, we should kneel. To be honest I'd never done that. I looked in Preach My Gospel, and it says that we should say kneeling prayers. So we have now started doing that. I'll share some cool experiences about that in a minute.

Thursday we had exchanges with the Zone Leaders, I was with Elder Steenblik (there is a link to his blog on Elder Muller's blog). We had some cool things happen to us. Quick side note: We have started what is called a 40 day fast here in Wijk (District) Den Haag. Every day for 40 days, a different family fasts for missionary work, so as a ward, we fast for 40 days straight (like the Savior before His ministry). With that in mind, we saw some cool miracles. In the morning we had about 40 minutes to knock doors before lunch. Before we left, I prayed and asked if we could find 2 potential investigators. And we did! Prayers are answered!

That afternoon, we visited a less active lady. Her cousin was there, and we were able to give him a Book of Mormon. He doesn't want to be taught (at least not yet ;)), but we still managed to give him a Book of Mormon - small miracles!

Friday we had a cool experience with the kneeling prayer.  Our investigator,   H---,  hasn't ever prayed out loud in front of the missionaries before (at least not in front of me). He has been taught now for a while, and last week we committed him to pray this appointment. At the end of the lesson, we said a kneeling prayer, and IT WAS SO AWESOME! It was just so much more powerful as a kneeling prayer.

Saturday was pretty sick as well. We started the day off good by doing a session in the temple. I wasn't sure if I was leaving or not, so I got permission to do a session before I left the district.

The Den Haag Nederland Temple

In the afternoon we had a lesson with C--- about baptism. He pretty much taught himself. We set a baptismal date with him for April 2nd. He came to church yesterday as well. I'm super excited because he's making a lot of progress.

Well that was my week. Full of cool miracles. I'm trying to upload pictures right now, but I'm not sure if it's going to work. We are at the library in Den Haag, and the internet is super slow, as well as the computer. Right now I'm typing about three lines ahead of what the computer is putting on the screen. 

Love you all!

Elder Muller

For those interested, here is a link to Elder Dallin H. Oaks' presentation. At the bottom you will find links to other presentations from the broadcast:

Elders from his District!

Just having some fun!

Elder Steenblik, Zone Leader

Elder Clukey

Elder Foltz, Elder Muller's "Son"

Elder Clukey

Climbing the Tower in Delft (Again!)

The District all together!

I wonder if they introduced themselves to this gentleman!

An awesome sight - these young men and women giving of themselves to serve the Lord!

I have no idea what Elder Muller is wearing!!

They all look a little chilly!

Elders and Sisters waiting at a bus stop!

I am not sure what this is a map of!

Information on travel by Bus 55, on foot (lopen), by Tram 4, and again on foot (Lopen)! Halte is bus or tram stop.

A sweet little daughter of someone they are teaching!

Sorry that so many of these pictures don't have captions on them! But I still post them to show the fun the missionaries are having, and also because I love to see my son's smile!  A lot of the pictures with the groups of missionaries when they were in street clothes were taken on the preparation day, which is Monday. This is the day they get to relax from missionary work for several hours and just have some fun!  --Mama Schaefer

Monday, January 18, 2016

Cows for Days!!

Hey everyone!

This week was cold wet and rainy! But now it is sunny and still cold...

So what do I tell about this week. We did stuff. It was fun.

Alright, I'll do better than that. On Wednesday, I worked on a dairy farm. Yep. I am now a certified cow poop shoveler. I'm glad I can add that to my resume haha. We did service for a member on his birthday by helping him around the farm.

Thursday we had Zone Training, got completely dumped on by the weather, but then had an amazing dinner appointment with D--- and E---, and an awesome lesson with M--- (He says hello to everyone BTW, and he told me to tell you that he thinks I'm awesome... :) I'll take it!)

Friday my son, Elder Foltz was in Belgium again for legal things, so I was in Delft with Elder Croft, my step-brother (Elder Childs "broke" him, he was Croft's second companion). It was a lot of fun, we did more service for a less active by painting her house for her, well at least two walls ;)

hmmm.. I don't really know what to talk about. I don't have much time either.

UMMMMMM!!!! Scripture time! Go read 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. That's a good one about weakness. Combine that with Ether 12:27 and you have a killer combo.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10:

And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.
Ether 12:27:
And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

Looking forward to this week... We have two exchanges, a broadcast, interviews, and lots of finding! It's going to be ggggrrrrrreat!

Love ya! Sorry that this email was a little lame... I really don't know what to say...

Next week I'll do better :)


Elder Muller

Elder Muller labeled this one "cow spit"! Just in case you couldn't see what it was!

The member who runs the farm! Elder Muller having a glass of fresh farm milk!

Reminds me of the movie the Best Two Years: Elder Muller's trainee writing down everything Elder Muller says!!


Monday morning bikers in Delft