Tuesday, May 31, 2016


I've been shot!


Monday, May 30, 2016

That's right folks. I'm staying for my 8th transfer in the Den Haag Ward :) Oh yeah! Officially half of my mission in the same ward, and I couldn't be happier. :) :) :) (Part of Elder Muller's time in the Den Haag Ward is when he was serving in Delft.)

I will however be getting a new companion. Yep, sadly the reign on IM: DEN HAAG is over. Elder Isaksen is going to be going to Almere as a Zone Leader. My new comp, Elder Richards, has big shoes to fill ;) 

This week has been pretty eventful. We had a bunch of exchanges. One with the Leiden Elders, one with the Office Elders, and also a day we worked with President Bunnell. 

With that in mind, I wasn't actually in Den Haag a lot of this week. 

Fun stories of the week though, probably working with President. We taught a couple of lessons with him, and then took him street contacting in the centrum in Den Haag. It was a lot of fun. We parked the car, and he asked us how we find people. So I introduced him to the concept of prayer finding. You pray, then everyone says a number (of potentials that you want to find). Whatever the highest number is is what your goal becomes. We had one hour to street contact. We prayed, we all looked at each other, and we all said "Four!" at the same time. It was pretty cool. We hit the streets and just talked to people. We ended the day with 6 phone numbers. President was so cute, he just didn't understand how we did it. What's funny is that we don't do anything special, we just talk to people, about the gospel, about music, about anything. That's the secret to finding people, just talking. If all you do is shove the gospel down people's throats, it doesn't work, you have to show them that you are a normal person, and that this message could help them too. It was just a good day of finding. Of course, part of that is just what I call, "The Magic of Den Haag". 

Today was pretty cool, we had a tour of Delft with R---, an awesome member in Pijnacker. She has been a tour guide for a long time, and she hooked us up fat. 

I also ran into the man that (helped) put me in this blessed ward, Daniel Ames. He wanted a shout out on the blog, so here ya go :). He's visiting the Netherlands with a group of students from BYU. 

Elder Muller and Daniel Ames

Well I'm out of time for today, enjoy the pictures!

I'll see ya in 12 weeks ;) 

Love you, bye. 


A shout out to Elder Neptune. Elder Muller still has his picture from December 2014 (picture is up against the wall). Study hard or die!

We found them!!

Elder ???






Companion Picture


Elder Isaksen and Elder Muller with their tour guide!

Delft in miniature

Missionaries on a boat tour

Their wonderful tour guide!

They missed out on the tour!

Elder Isaksen

Elder Isaksen

Elder Isaksen

A Sister Missionary!

Elder ??

William at the same age as Elder Muller


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